Our history
A professional landscaper for 20 years, Anthony started his own business as a plant decorator by creating VEGETAL TENDANCE

Végétal Tendance becomes a company (SARL) to respond in a structured manner to growing demands

In order to meet development challenges, Anthony joins forces with his childhood friend, Kévin.

Following the COVID crisis, Anthony and Kévin created the Greenalys brand. The latter specializes in the online sale of plant paintings in Switzerland.
Concentration 100% activité design végétal intérieur, transmission de l'activité de paysage extérieur.


Végétal Tendance is celebrating its 10th anniversary and 600 completed projects.

Team #Barcelona
Milestone of 10 employees reached. strong technical team, maintenance, project management, marketing
Notre Équipe
Driven by a passion for plant design , our team is distinguished by a diversity of remarkable profiles . And at Végétal Tendance, that’s what we like. The varied backgrounds of each person bring a wealth of experiences which encourage exchanges and nourish our continuous learning. In addition, they breathe a dose of creativity into each of our initiatives.
Explore our team and discover the unique talents that make it up.
Anthony Broc
Since 2013, Anthony has skillfully combined his technical know-how, his ability to lead a team and his passion for his profession. Always close to his colleagues, he exudes a real joie de vivre. Outside of work, he surprises with improvised choreographies and transforms into a talented dancer.
Founding Manager, Technical Director
Jennifer Lefevre
Jennifer, Administrative Assistant, brings with her 20 years of enriching experience in the field of medical care. Her organizational rigor is undeniable, and her kindness and empathy make her a valuable ally. But what really sets her apart is her incredible talent at imitating Mariah Carey.
Administrative Assistant
Kevin Lefevre
Ready to see your plant project take off? Discover Kévin, Co-Manager and Sales Director, who joined forces with his childhood friend Anthony in the Végétal Tendance adventure in 2019. With his expertise in management and development, Kévin embodies professional rigor while upholding the values family and team spirit.
Manager, Administrative & Commercial Director
Aymeric Thiney
Aymeric, our Technical Coordinator since 2022, is recognized for his seriousness. Demanding in his work, he likes quality work. Nicknamed “uncle” by his colleagues, he is known to consume up to 18 coffees a day. It is therefore with great energy that he coordinates the activities of our workshop.
Coordinateur Technique
Constance Claude-Braeuer
Constance apporte une vision créative à chacun de ses projets grâce à son expérience passée en tant qu'architecte. Maîtrisant les logiciels de montage photo et de mise en page, elle sait projeter ses idées à travers des visuels innovants. Toujours souriante et désireuse d'aider ses collègues, elle apporte une dynamique collaborative à son équipe. Virtuellement ou dans la vraie vie, Constance est une férue des jeux de coopération entre amis.
“Creative” Project Manager
Valentin Donze
Valentin, Plant Decorator since November 2023, embodies professional conscience and efficiency. Resourceful and adaptable, he finds solutions to all situations with an attentive ear. In addition to his passion for plants, Valentin is a real aquarium enthusiast. He has more than twenty tropical fish to his credit. Who knows, he surely got his hands dirty to plant their aquariums!
Installation Manager, Plant Decorator
Maëlle Adobati
Maëlle, Project Manager since 2021, combines botanical expertise with a keen sense of customer relations. Always ready to offer her help, Maëlle stands out for her perseverance and generosity. A funny anecdote? Norbert, her hairless cat, is almost as unique as her!
“Unique” Project Manager
Sacha Donze
Sacha, our new Plant Installer Creator, brings versatility to Végétal Tendance both in the field and in the workshop. He is reliable, adaptable and friendly, qualities that make him an asset to our team. Having practiced a combat sport for years (MMA), it is however not recommended to bother him!
Creator, Plant Installer
Flavien Lefevre
Arriving at Végétal Tendance 3 years ago, Flavien is now our workshop manager. He excels in the transmission of knowledge, organization and pedagogy. Always in a good mood and active, he brings positive energy to our team. Be aware that if you pass by the workshop during lunch, you will find him either taking a nap or enjoying tartiflette.
Responsible workshop