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Tableau végétal

Plant Painting

Discover the captivating art of plant paintings, a harmonious fusion between nature and design. These living or artificial works offer a unique touch to any space, bringing freshness , aesthetics and well-being .

Explore how these artistic compositions evoke the balance between urban life and natural greenery, transforming indoor and outdoor environments into oases of beauty and serenity .

Plant frame

Our Plant Paintings

Découvrez la diversité de nos tableaux végétaux. Explorez les spécificités de chaque typologie végétale à travers ces tableaux comparatifs. Parcourez-les pour comparer les caractéristiques de nos tableaux végétaux et ainsi vous aider à sélectionner celui qui répond le mieux à vos besoins.


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Tableau Végétal Naturel

Stabilized Natural Plant Table

Artificial Plant Painting

    Indoor installation

    Outdoor installation

    Exposure to light

    Indoor installation

    Outdoor installation

    Exposure to light

    Indoor installation

    Outdoor installation

    Exposure to light

Do you have an idea, a project or would like to obtain information?

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